Tuesday 16 October 2012

Keeping things in perspective

Today, because I'm feeling so overwhelmed, I thought it would be a good idea to write down some of the things that make me remember why I like teaching:

Sept 2012

After demonstrating my talent of doing double unders for “Étoile de la semaine,” I was skipping outside with some of the girls from my class, and one of them said, “Mme, when you retire, you should teach skipping.” Made me snicker, as I teach rec skipping classes in the evening.  Who knows, maybe I’ll still teach skipping when I’m 65.

Oct 15, 2012

Upon having a discussion about prepositions and countries - ex le Pérou --> au Pérou, la Tunisie --> en Tunisie, I pointed out that it is easy to remember that we should say “au Canada,” because it is like the anthem where we say “O Canada.”  This caused some students to burst into song, and we sang O Canada from beginning to end in French and then in English.  It was kind of awesome. Lol.

Oct 16, 2012

I love it when students randomly come tell me stuff.  Today I had a girl who came to me  and said, “I have two things to say:  One, it’s my brother’s birthday today.  Also, can I go to the washroom?” I see the obvious logic in the connection between these two topics. :)

Also, today I finally started feeling like I might be starting to understand assessments- I had been finding some good examples of rubrics on Pinterest and in a couple of other places, and was dreading translating them into French.  As it turns out, I had already collected a file folder full of rubrics in French!  Also, I think it’ll help to have them think of themselves as the teacher.  A student came to me to hand in his work after I’d asked him to go back and fix a couple of things already.  He asked, “Am I done now?” so I asked him “If you were the teacher, would you accept this work?”  He looked at it and said, “No,” then went back to his desk to start over. :)

Saturday 13 October 2012


Bonjour!  Bienvenue à mon blog!  I'd like to share some of the lessons, activities, and classroom organization ideas that I've been using in my classroom.  To kick it off, I'll start with my "pupitre magique" that I've created as a space for students to work when they are feeling like they need to block out distractions.  I'm going to be honest, I'm very proud of this project.  In fact, it's what inspired me to finally start this blog!